January 2018 Updates: Exhibition Prep!

2018 has started out at top speed!
Some months ago I shared the news that I will be exhibiting a new series of sculptures at a gallery in Paris in late 2018. My theme for this exhibition has been slowly forming and transforming since then, and what has emerged as my guiding inspiration is a deep concern over the serious harm being done to our precious planet Earth by human development and overpopulation. All of the new sculptures will reflect in some way on this encroaching human presence causing steadily more of the natural environment to become unrecognisable or disappear altogether. I look forward to sharing more on the development of this exhibition over the course of this year, as I know it is a concern shared by many. Below you will see a drawing and photo of initial progress towards the first sculpture.
The first image is a drawing is of the final look it will have. The white objects intentionally look like some dreaded disease creeping up the leaf – a sight many gardeners will be familiar with – representing the intrusion of construction in our landscape. They are miniature buildings and factories in shape.
The photograph is of the completed shape, done first in clay, then in plaster, and soon to be cast in a permanent form. Photo by John Bulmer.