I have been commissioned by good friend and patron Carolyn MacDonald to sculpt five giant heads for the American Museum in Britain. It is a way for me to move forward and develop interesting imagery of the human head. It will be an exploratory area of work for me. I am underway with Alexander Hamilton, whose pre-photography existence ensured that he has been previously depicted with a variety of head shapes and features, making an interesting challenge.
I am preparing for an exhibition in Paris in late 2018. The exhibition will feature abstract sculptures in two themes. The first expresses my deep lifelong feelings about the erosion of this tiny planet by mankind’s breeding and industrialisation. The second is my device of bouncing optical lines, where an object (dot, sphere, whatever) is clearly seen, but with a slightly shifting eyeline, it totally vanishes even though one appears to be still looking at the same place.
I have two new sculptures nearing completion, and a host of inspiration for new ideas that I picked up on a recent trip to USA.I have two sculptures, Rocking Lady (pictured below) and Sway, currently on exhibition at the beautiful Canwood Gallery and Sculpture Park in Herefordshire. The exhibition includes established artists such as Carl Andre, Tomokazu Matsuyama, and Blake Daniels, alongside up-and-coming artists, including a very interesting young sculptor Simon Meiklejohn. Canwood is an impressive space, doing good work, and I recommend anyone to visit.
